Informations and Prices: +33 6 63 29 31 94
Address: 10 passage national - 75013 Paris

LTO archiving services

LTO archiving Restore from LTO tapes Our prices for LTO archiving

Unlike many other service providers, we advise our customers not to archive their data in the cloud. Processing data "live" on always-on connections can entail risks: your data can be corrupted or deleted (by mistake or intentionally), the cloud is not hacker-proof and your login credentials could reach the wrong hands.

Then, it’s impossible to know what policy your hosting service provider will apply 5, 10 or 15 years from now. When you rely on a third party, you never completely own your data. LTO (Linear Tape-Open) technology has been tried and tested since the late 1990s, and is coming back. The tapes store your data offline for about 30 years – if you keep them in these conditions: temperature 16-25°C, humidity 20-50%. And you can naturally transfer your data to future-generation LTO media as years go by.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to keep a backup copy in a separate location, in case the original is stolen or damaged.

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